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pzc Minutes 5/24/05

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Chairman Timothy Wentzell, Kevin McCann, Sue Larsen, Patrick Kennedy, and Gary Bazzano

ALTERNATES PRESENT:     Michael Sullivan sat for Clifford Slicer
        Louise Evans sat for Bart Pacekonis

STAFF PRESENT:  Michele R. Lipe, Assistant Director of Planning


Discussion/Decision/Action regarding the following:

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Chairman Timothy Wentzell, Kevin McCann, Sue Larsen, Patrick Kennedy, and Gary Bazzano
ALTERNATES PRESENT:     Michael Sullivan sat for Clifford Slicer
        Louise Evans for Bart Pacekonis

STAFF PRESENT:  Michele R. Lipe, Assistant Director of Planning


Chairman Wentzell called the meeting to order at 7:55 p.m.

Discussion/Decision/Action regarding the following:

1.      Unlimited Motor Sports relocation to 701 Nutmeg Road North (Exhibit A)

Chad Longo had the following comments in his presentation:

o       Business is presently located at 656 Nutmeg Road North.
o       Expansion of the business is intended.
o       The shop at 701 Nutmeg Road North is twice the size of his existing shop.
o       His business working on high end cars, rare exotic cars, cars that are very expensive, old muscle cars, e.g. Camaro, Chevelle, Nova, and Cougar.
o       Cars that he works on are too expensive to leave outside; moving to Charbonneau’s building would allow space for the storage of cars overnight.

Lipe reported that the site in an industrial zone and business will be under any other use part of the Industrial Zone. Longo did attend ZBA. One neighbor called because of the ZBA sign with a concern regarding the western side of the building where weeds are growing.  Lipe visited the site and found established pines and weeds. Longo will improve the landscaping on that side of the building.

Discussion ensued among the Commissioners with the following comments and concerns Replies will be in Italics.

·       Proposed building suited to the business?  There will be minor renovations inside the building, e.g. wall and small office.  No major changes.
·       Lifts and floor drains within the building. No floor drains but will have 2 lifts.
·       Clarification of cars, whether or not buying and selling of cars. Longo has a Dealers License presently for the purpose of accessing the auction. Longo has sold 3 cars in the last 3 years.  If business is slow, he can go to the auction, buy and sell a car resulting in other revenue for his business.
·       Display of cars. No. If there is one for sale it is located within the building.
·       Vehicles left outside. Owner’s flatbed is the only vehicle left outside and is visible from Strong Road.
·       Signage. Signage will be as exists, small sign on an existing large sign.  There will be no ‘cars for sale’ sign.

Kennedy made a motion to approve the relocation as referenced above with the conditions that cars will not be displayed outside for sale and no car parts are allowed to be stored outside. McCann seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

2.      Strong Auto change order to increase the number of spaces for used cars sales for property located at 651 Sullivan Avenue, GC zone (Exhibit B)

Richard Strong had the following comments in his presentation:

§       When the present property was purchased the site plan from the previous owner was used.
§       Previous owner had a license for 3 cars ‘for sale’ in front of the building.
§       Circumstances have changed since he moved to this location resulting in seeking another source of income.
§       Business is located in a Commercial area and Strong will adhere to criteria, e.g. 10’ within lot line; not obstruct line of sight for vehicles entering/exiting; 25’ shall be reasonable landscaped – enhancing the appearance of the site, etc.
§       Landscaping will be improved on the site; there have been improvements made on the building and the parking lot.
§       It is desired to place pavers where the scrub brush and pricker bushes were; this will allow 5 additional spaces on the westerly side. Pictures were distributed to show an example of the pavers.
§       Changes will be on the east and west of the parking area, front of the building will remain as is.
§       Streamers and bright lights will not appear on the site, no new lighting is proposed.

Lipe noted that the proposed use is permitted in the General Commercial zone and it is proposed to have 18 cars. The site contains 3 acres allowing availability for parking.

Discussion ensued among the Commissioners with the following comments and concerns Replies will be in Italics.

·       Lighting. Lighting on the building includes a lit awning with fluorescent lights, lights on the corners of the building that face down, a street light is located at the entrance to J & B Sports, and there is an approval for a lit sign in the front of the site.
·       Location of cars to be repaired.  All repair cars will be in the rear of the building; customer parking will remain the same along with the handicap space; there are 4 other spaces for people to pick up and drop off vehicles; proposal will not affect the area or traffic flow as it exists now.

Kennedy made a motion to approve the above reference change order as presented. McCann seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

3.      David Patria – preliminary discussion regarding industrial property located at 211 Sullivan Avenue at 651 Sullivan Avenue, GC zone  (Exhibit C)

David Patria had the following comments in his presentation:

§       Site in question is located east of the existing driving range, contains a residence, separated by a large grassed area and a barn to the rear of the site.
§       Previous resident owned and operated a retail golf sales business (by variance) in the barn and they are leaving.
§       Patria is seeking usage/options permitted for the house and barn other than golf related sales.
§       Fencing might be acceptable however Patria does not want to be limited just to fencing because other uses may come before him which he in turn he would appear for permission of before the Commission.

Lipe noted that the use variance on the property is specifically for golf sales. Twenty percent of the gross floor area is allowed to be devoted to sales in an industrial zone... It is not conducive to rezone the area.  The fencing company may have more retail that this resulting in a site plan being required.

Discussion ensued among the Commissioners with the following comments and concerns: Replies will be in Italics.

·       House is leased?  Yes and there will be no changes to the house, just to the barn in the rear.
·       Type of business seeking this property. A fencing company that needs a residential rent and display of pavers and fencing in the grassed area between the house and the railroad tracks.  There will be no outdoor storage.
·       Could be problematic if the sales were 100%; 20% is allowed with 80% of the space dedicated to manufacturing.
·       Best use would be an industrial use.
·       Cape Cod Fence is an example where the business is more installation then selling directly from the site; a cash and carry operation would not meet the regulations.
·       Section, allows for storage of and sales of lumber, building materials, etc.; storage with 20% accessory use.
·       It should be noted that storage and sales is a special exception therefore a site plan would be required.
·       Each use could require a special exception approval, but at a minimum it would require a site plan.

Appl 05-32P, Patria Office, 1676 Ellington Road discussion regarding approval condition requiring sidewalks (Exhibit D)

Patria had the following comments in his presentation:

ü       The area in question for sidewalks does not incorporate any sidewalks except the impossible laid ones across the street.
ü       Patria is requesting to work be done as a part of a comprehensive plan the four corners area.
ü       There is an existing cow path type sidewalk towards the center but no sidewalks west that terminate at the conservation area.
ü       He is proposing a consideration of an assessment at a time in the future when all the sidewalks would be accomplished in that area, all owners would have to participate resulting in a uniformed sidewalk, including across the street.
ü       Sidewalks would have to be installed on the State’s right-of-way and the State has indicated it would be some time before a plan was reviewed to even consider the sidewalk.

Discussion ensued among the Commission members with the following comments and concerns: Replies will be in Italics.

·       Proposal of a bond being requested? Yes for a specific amount of time however it was thought that it would be in the nature of a Town assessment where all property owners would be required to install a sidewalk.
·       PZC does not have the ability to place an assessment; process has been putting a bond in place for a period of time (5 years).  When connecting sidewalks were available then the connection would be made; or at the end of five years the sidewalks have to be built unless an extension is requested.
·       There is a sub committee working on a comprehensive sidewalk plan in that area and a sizable bond is being held by the Town for sidewalks on the southerly side of Ellington Road.

Evans made a motion for the applicant to post a bond for 5 years.  At the end of 5 years the sidewalks shall be built to conform to the standards of the Town of South Windsor. If at any time the Town has a comprehensive plan for sidewalks in that area or the neighboring properties create a sidewalk then the applicant is to build the sidewalks accordingly. Kennedy seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

4.      Appl 04-72P, Brightman Circle acceptance of appraisal for fee in lieu of open space

Kennedy made a motion to accept the appraisal as presented by Morra Associates to establish fee in lieu of open space in the amount of $38,500.00 for the above referenced application.  McCann seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Larsen left the meeting at 8:30 p.m.

8.      Zoning Regulations Update – subcommittee report

Wentzell indicated that the subcommittee has requested Town Staff to incorporate final sets of revisions to the changes. Banach will make minor revisions; distribute copies to PZC which will result in work sessions to review the changes.  After the work sessions are completed, meetings will be held for the public who have additional comments.  Then a public hearing will be scheduled on the proposed regulations.

9.      Discussion re: establishing a PZC/Historical District Subcommittee

Discussion ensued among the Commission members with the following comments and concerns:  Replies will be in Italics.

·       PZC would examine the parts of the Regulations that would have an impact on the Historic District as well with the possibility of change some Regulations.
·       Historic District members have concerns with the development of rear lots and SRD’s or other dense development – not just within the Historic District but areas in proximity to Main Street.
·       The members have also indicated that they would like to see an expansion of the historic district in other areas of the Town, i.e. southern part of Main Street.
·       When the Historic District was adopted their charge was to regulate appearance of the buildings within the District; it is not desired to change the Regulations within the District and make it an overlay historic zone, i.e. impose zoning regulations that restrict the use of the property.
·       Charge of the subcommittee would be a review of the Regulations as it applies to the historic areas in Town.
·       It was proposed to have 2 or 3 representatives of PZC to address issues of concern within the Historic Districts of the Town plus potential districts as they are impacted by the Regulations.

Larsen and Evans were appointed to take part in the subcommittee.

Landscaping Bonds:

1.      Appl 04-31P, Filene’s Site

Present amount is $10,000.00, reduction in the amount of $5,000.00, leaving a balance of -$5,000.00-.

Wentzell recused himself from discussing or acting on application 04-31P, Filene’s.  McCann chaired this portion of the meeting.

Kennedy made a motion to approve the recommended reduction of the above referenced bond.  Bazzano seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Wentzell returned to the meeting.

        Application 00-23P, Stop & Shop

Present amount is $5,000.00, reduction in the amount of $5,000.00, leaving a balance of -0-.

        Application 00-55P, Carla’s Pasta

Present amount is $5,000.00, reduction in the amount of $5,000.00, leaving a balance of -0-.

        Application 03-17P, Old Post Office

Present amount is $1,000.00, reduction in the amount of $1,000.00, leaving a balance of -0-.

Kennedy made a motion to approve the reductions of the above referenced bonds.  Bazzano seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.


Kennedy made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:10 p.m. Bazzano seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

________________________________                        R espectfully submitted:
             Date Approved

                                                                Phyllis M. Mann
                                                                Recording Secretary.